Monday, April 28, 2008

Elite Korean Schools...

It's been a long time, but school goes on! With lots of excitement - most recently I had a student throw up in class (yesterday, poor girl, she said her stomach hurt and I made the appropriate "ooh" noises, and then asked if she wanted some water or to go to the secretary - there is no nurse - and she said no, and the next thing I know she's thrown up all over the floor! But my class was very good - no comments like "eeww...gross...smelly".), the librarian is leaving (making 6 teachers to go this year!), and my new boy has been enrolled for 16 days and missed 6 of them!

This article in the New York Times caught my eye, and a lot of other people's (it is the number one emailed article today). It certainly portrays a lot of what I've seen during my time in Asia.

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